
Quick Q: Why can noexcept generate faster code than throw()?—StackOverflow : Standard C++


With the C++98 approach, the call stack is unwound to f’s caller, and, after some actions not relevant here, program execution is terminated. With the C++11 approach, runtime behavior is a bit different: the stack is only possibly unwound before program execution is terminated.

throw()だとプログラムの実行を終了する前にcall stackの巻き戻しを行うのだが、noexceptではcall stackの巻き戻しを端折っても良いからとのこと。詳細は原文を参照。本文では実際には多くの関数はnoexcept指定はされていないが自ら例外は投げない(関数内で呼び出した別の関数が投げた例外を上位レイヤーに通知することはする)例外中立なものであること等にも触れられています。



ラムダ式オーバーロードする最も簡単な方法かもしれない。 http://melpon.org/wandbox/permlink/14pwv0Akg5DhrtnA

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    auto f = [](auto arg) {
        std::cout << _Generic(arg, int: arg + 1, double: arg - 1.0, default: arg) << std::endl;

caseに当たる部分にはcomplete typeが要求され、tag<int, int>:と書いてもテンプレートのインスタンス化が行われずにコンパイルエラーになったが、delctype(tag<int, int>{}):とワークアラウンドを書いたところうまく動いた。

#include <iostream>

template <typename...> struct tag {};
template <typename T1, typename T2>
auto f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) {
    std::cout << _Generic(tag<T1, T2>{}, decltype(tag<int, int>{}): arg1 * arg2, decltype(tag<double, double>{}): arg1 * arg2)
              << std::endl;

int main() {
    f(3, 5);
    f(1.5, 2.0);


N4072: Fixed Size Parameter Packs


#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
struct identity { using type = T; };

template <std::size_t N, typename Tuple>
struct at;
template <std::size_t N, template <typename...> class Tuple, typename... Types>
struct at<N, Tuple<Types...>> {
    template <typename...[N] Args, typename Arg>
    static auto impl(Args..., Arg, ...) -> Arg;
    using type = typename decltype(impl(identity<Types>{}...))::type;



[Wandbox]三へ( へ՞ਊ ՞)へ ハッハッ

#include <sprout/tuple.hpp>
#include <sprout/functional.hpp>
#include <iostream>

// foldl
template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs>
constexpr A foldl(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs);

template <typename Func, typename A, typename B>
constexpr A foldl(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<B>& b);

template <typename Func, typename A>
constexpr A foldl(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<>&);

template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs, sprout::index_t... LIndices,
          sprout::index_t... RIndices>
constexpr A foldl_impl(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs,
                       sprout::index_tuple<RIndices...>) {
  return foldl(
      f, foldl(f, a, sprout::forward_as_tuple(sprout::get<LIndices>(bs)...)),

template <typename Func, typename A, typename B>
constexpr A foldl(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<B>& b) {
  return f(a, sprout::get<0>(b));

template <typename Func, typename A>
constexpr A foldl(const Func&, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<>&) {
  return a;

template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs>
constexpr A foldl(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs) {
  return foldl_impl(
      f, a, bs,
      sprout::index_range<0, sprout::tuple_size<Bs>::value / 2>::make(),
      sprout::index_range<sprout::tuple_size<Bs>::value / 2,

// foldr
template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs>
constexpr A foldr(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs);

template <typename Func, typename A, typename B>
constexpr A foldr(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<B>& b);

template <typename Func, typename A>
constexpr A foldr(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<>&);

template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs, sprout::index_t... LIndices,
          sprout::index_t... RIndices>
constexpr A foldr_impl(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs,
                       sprout::index_tuple<RIndices...>) {
  return foldr(
      f, foldr(f, a, sprout::forward_as_tuple(sprout::get<RIndices>(bs)...)),

template <typename Func, typename A, typename B>
constexpr A foldr(const Func& f, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<B>& b) {
  return f(sprout::get<0>(b), a);

template <typename Func, typename A>
constexpr A foldr(const Func&, const A& a, const sprout::tuple<>&) {
  return a;

template <typename Func, typename A, typename Bs>
constexpr A foldr(const Func& f, const A& a, const Bs& bs) {
  return foldr_impl(
      f, a, bs,
      sprout::index_range<0, sprout::tuple_size<Bs>::value / 2>::make(),
      sprout::index_range<sprout::tuple_size<Bs>::value / 2,

int main() {
  std::cout << foldl(sprout::plus<int>{}, 0, sprout::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << foldr(sprout::plus<int>{}, 0, sprout::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
            << std::endl;

N4072: Fixed Size Parameter Packs は期待出来る

N4072: Fixed Size Parameter Packsという提案が出ています。

本の虫: 2014-07 post Rapperswil mailingのレビュー: N4070-N4079


template<unsigned int N, unsigned int M>
void f(int...[N], int...[M]) {}

f<2>(1,2,3); // M is deduced as 1. (N can't be deduced, but is given.)


template <unsigned int N, typename...[N] Types, typename T>
auto f(Types&&... args, T&& arg, ...) {
  return std::forward<T>(arg);

f<2>(1, 2, 3, 4 ,5); // 3

